Saturn Retrograde Group Yagya on May 23, 2020

Saturn Retrograde Group Yagya
on May 23, 2020
for Positive Planetary Support
Individual $41 / Couple $65 / Family $101

Saturn goes retrograde in Capricorn from May 23 until October 11, 2021. The Saturn Retrograde group yagya on May 23 has been scheduled to mitigate negative energy from Saturn during this time. When malefic planets go retrograde they can increase influences of negativity.

Saturn is a malefic planet according to Vedic Astrology. Propitiating Saturn through yagya decreases the negative effects of Saturn. Saturn is responsible for obstacles/limitations in life, determining longevity, hard work, chronic diseases. A balanced Saturn gives good concentration and focus, capacity for hard work, long life, proclivity for meditation and spiritual practice.

The yagya sponsorship fees for the Saturn Retrograde Group Yagya on May 23rd are $41 for individuals, $65 for couples and $101 for families. The yagya will be performed by 11 pundits. Please reserve online as soon as possible to insure participation.

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